Connect Nmbrs with an API token

If you are redirected from the Nmbrs App Store to this page, it is only possible to integrate this software package to Nmbrs with an API token. Do you want to build an integration with Nmbrs yourself? See this article for more information.

The following subject are explained in this article:

Requirement for requesting an API token

To create an API token, you will need a login. There are different logins available, each with their own function. If you want to integrate for more than one debtor, it is best to create a login at master level level. If you want to link one customer specifically for a debtor, it possible to create a login at debtor level. See the following steps for creating a login.

1. Go to master settings and navigate to Logins in Users section. 


2. Create a new account with a template from Master Accountant. 


Note: the dashlet rights of an user have no influence on the API rights. This user can still have acces to all API methods on Employee, Company, Debtor and Single Sign On Service. 

3. Send the activation email. The user will receive an activation email where he can set up a password for his login. 

4. Depending on the filter settings the user will have API acces to selected debtors. For more information about filter settings see Debiteuren tags aanmaken.

To set up the integration the user has to login to his account and get an API token.

Requesting an API token on master level

Only users of Master Accountant template from Accountant product or Master Bedrijfslogin/Client from Business product have the option to do this action. 

Click on your Email address in the upper right corner and choose 'User profile'.

Click on the tab 'API Token'.

Click to activate the API account.

Save or copy the username (Email) and token. You are ready to start building the integration. Please go to to see which operations are supported by our API.

Requesting an API token on debtor level

It is possible to add an API token to an existing user account on debtor level. This can be viewed and activated in the login settings on debtor level.

Make sure the login is active


Usage of the API token

Save or copy the username and token. You are now ready to set up an integration. Go to to see which calls can be made.
