- Status export blijft op 'creating' staan
- Foutmelding: "String or binary data would be truncated. The statement has been terminated."
- Er is ongewenste data geïmporteerd of geüpdatet
- Foutmelding ''Can't import/update (...): tab (...) doesn't exist.".
- Waarschuwing of foutmelding: ''(...) doesn't exist"
- Foutmelding: "Invalid data in (...) already exists."
- Foutmelding of waarschuwing: "Invalid data in (Tab), (Sectie) (...)"
- Foutmelding: "(...) is empty / is null / can't be blank"
- Foutmelding of waarschuwing: "Can't find (...) for (...)"
- Foutmelding "Can't import/ update (...) column (...) is not presented in tab (...)."
- Foutmelding: "(...) Input string was not in a correct format."
- Foutmelding: "Fout (...) tabblad/kolom bestaat niet"
- Foutmelding: "Unknown error"
- Foutmelding: "Login failed for user user'"
- Foutmelding: "Could not open a connection to SQL Server"
- Foutmelding: "(...) doesn't exist in database"
- Foutmelding: "connection with database failed"
- Foutmelding ''Invalid object name 'werkgever'.''